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Features Grievances


We address your hardships through our platform

The aim of the feature is to empower citizens to amplify and resolve community-based grievances and petitions. This feature contains procedures and how to inform more effectively and powerfully grievances and Issues to concerned authorities. IMW App & Web Application will track the status of Grievances and Petitions.

The objective of the Grievances Platform is to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all the stakeholders in order to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the Society. A Grievances Platform constituted for the Redressal of the problems reported by the users of application with the following objectives.

Bringing to notice of concern authority if citizens face any problems in citizen services.

  • This Grievances Platform helps people recognize the power of their voice and of collective action. As communities become more engaged, governments and private institutes become more accountable to the people whose lives they impact.
Sign Up here to file your Grievances