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Law & Justice

Regarding all the aspects mentioned below, IMW bureaus and networks will continuously put effort into bringing stories about any such incidents, events, and happenings with adequate data and evidence. IMW will flash exclusive stories with an in-depth investigation on all possible platforms and push the sum of the important issues for discussions and deliberations.

  • Maintenance of law and order
  • Crime control
  • Insufficient Accountability of Public & Police (Both Ends)
  • Misuse of power-Public & Protection Authorities
  • The Missing rule of law
  • Human Right Violations
  • Pending, failure cases etc.
  • Success stories

Investigating Agencies:

IMW, as a media institution, will keep an eye constantly on the functioning of all investigating agencies of states and centres. Our bureaus and network will look into various stages of the investigation. In the process, IMW will scan complaints, First Information Reports, affidavits, charge sheets, relevant documents and other evidence. Based on the findings, we will bring certain vital things into the public domain by protecting the interest of further investigations, their functioning and their adherence to the rule of law. Good work will be appreciated and arbitrary use of power will be exposed in the larger interest of the public.

Criminal Justice System:

IMW bureaus and networks will report the required stages of every important Criminal case. Right from the police station to the highest court of the land (Supreme Court), the process of our criminal justice system involves many aspects concerning public life. In the public's interest, this entire process should be under the rule of law, which should not be biased. Therefore, we will educate people to get proper awareness for ensuring the criminal justice system has to be delivered as per the laws of the land within the framework of our constitution.

Judicial Authority:

Judiciary is one of the four foundation pillars of our democracy. Our nation's Independent judiciary is a significant one to ensure the proper functioning of all other pillars, i.e. legislator, executive and media, and the constitution itself. IMW will discharge dual duty in this judicial area, educating people about the functioning of courts, landmark judgements and their implications, respecting laws of the land and abiding by the spirit of the constitution, the other side sensitizing them to facilitate judiciary with conscious cooperation for its full-fledged functioning. It will also play a catalytic role in strengthening the hands of the judiciary with accurate public information and removing any misconceptions and misunderstandings in people's minds about the judiciary.

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