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Features Volunteers/Talent Network

Volunteers/Talent Network

Volunteers are:
  • Our Foundation - IMW Volunteers/Associates are on the front lines in every program we offer!
  • Ambassadors for IMW - Volunteers/Associates are our grassroots outreach network, sharing / propagating our mission with the community.
  • Advocates for those in need - Volunteers/ Associates are advocates for those who deserve a stronger voice, spreading awareness of the struggles our neighbours in need experience.
  • Talents - Who come forward to volunteer with a special skill set likeā€¦mathematics, science, art forms, sports, legal etc.will also part of the network.
  • Building a network for the talent/volunteers and helping them to thrive/flourish/prosper/grow while volunteering with us.
  • Volunteers/ Talent are an essential part of IMW making it possible for us to help people.
  • Volunteers/ Talent act as a bridge between communities. They stand at the forefront in reaching out of our activities to the village.
  • In making IMW content and rendering of all its services.. a large section across the society like its wide and diverse volunteers that includes energetic Youth, Women, Community Writers, Social Media Influencers, responsible teachers, common citizens, Sports, Professionals, Experts & Retd Officials in Service Domain etc. will play a crucial role. Along with our investigative journalists and several industry experts in various fields like Legal, Finance, etc. will be part of our content generators.

Current media establishments usually go with popular voices and influential people only find space whereas IMW will provide a wider canvas, to cover divulging opinions by giving space to a cross section of society including those who are underprivileged, marginalized and voiceless people. The wide network of organizers who contribute content will represent the nook and corner of the society. Hence our content is grounded in both real experiences of common people and knowledge accumulated by experts over decades of field experience. We also have trendy and interesting content. Anyone who aligns with our values and is committed to truth can become our volunteer.

Volunteer Opportunities

Activities volunteers can work on as part of IMW

  • Content Editing
  • Content Writing
  • Social activities
  • Petitions & Grievances
  • Community level facilitation
  • Talent recognition
  • Volunteering works during disasters
  • Event Organization
  • Brand promotion
  • Local surveys
  • Content generation
  • Online advisory session through
  • Interviews
  • Discussion rooms
  • Workshops etc.