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Services IMW Impact Events

IMW Impact Events

Change the conversation, change the Communities

IMW Impact Events brings firmness, in-depth analysis and intelligent debate to life on stage & virtually and brings together an audience across the globe with world-class leaders for guided discussions on themes such as sustainability, trade & commerce, the future of technology and work.

Global Events

Our events provide a platform for corporate organizations, foundations, NGOs and governments to deliver a compelling message to the target audience, facilitating connections and engaging business leaders worldwide.

IMW put your voice at the centre of these debates. From thought leadership or branding to generation of leads, all these events have umpteen opportunities for corporations to associate with prominent brands and reach their message with a global audience.

Custom Events

We partner with organizations to curate tailor-made solutions that enable our partners to lead on what matters the most. We collaborate with our partners to understand their objectives and potential audience to design unique, relevant, and timely events for the marketplace.

Custom events can be as turnkey or personalized as needed, from roundtables to conferences or participation in global events, our consultative approach ensures that our partners’ objectives are met.

Partner Events

To cultivate the culture of excellence, innovation and growth in alignment with the values of harmony, justice and accountability through Internet Media World Partner Events.

Create and promote Literature across the spectrum of Media through Internet Media World
  • THOUGHT LEADERSHIP CONCLAVES: Bring together the finest minds from Law Makers, Civil Servants, Academia, Legal Professionals, Litterateurs and other eminent personalities on discussions of narratives surrounding the contemporary challenges in communities around them.
  • Provide a platform for the Arts, Crafts and all cultural Talents
Services and Support
  • Provide Legal services and support
  • Empower society by increasing awareness of legal remedies
  • Identify and bring to focus long-standing obstacles to economic development across the landscape.